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Services Offered

Counseling/ Consultation

In the format of ongoing counseling sessions or one/two consultation sessions, Dr. Wong will work with you to solve current problems and improve positive thinking and behavior. You will be helped “re-frame” your beliefs and reactions, as well as provided with valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles and/or to achieve personal goals. 

Work Stress and Work Place Issues

Academic Stress and Time Management

Partnerships & Intimacy

Family and Parenting Issues

Social Skills and Self-Esteem

Finding Life Purpose and Personal Goal Settings

Grief and Loss 


Contrary to public stigma, psychological issues are very similar to getting a cold - they're just  'illness' that everyone can get. Through getting to know you thoroughly as a person, therapy sessions aim to help you manage and/or reduce your symptoms, heal old wounds in the past, and replace maladaptive patterns with more positive and flexible ones.  


Bipolar Disorder

Anxieties Disorders and Phobias

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Personality Disorder

Addictive Behaviors

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 



Child Assessment 

For children who present with developmental, learning and behavioral difficulties, an integrated assessment of their functioning in IQ, academic, social and emotional areas is essential in formulating intervention strategies. The assessment consists of interviews, observations, as well as standardized sets of questionnaires and procedures.

Intelligence Assessment (WISC-V, WPPSI-IV)

Academic Achievement Skills Assessment (WIAT-III)

Maladaptive Emotions and Behaviors Assessment (BASC-III, BYI-2)

Adaptive Skills Assessments (Vineland-III)

Distanced Couple

Couples Therapy

Feeling hard to talk with your partner and a bit down lately in the relationship? Relationships can be hard work if we don't know how to 'connect'. Couples Therapy sessions help you understand your communication patterns and emotional needs in the relationship. Dr. Wong will facilitate you heal old wounds in the relationship, develop positive interactions and restore intimacy with your partner.

Calm Sea

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind"

William James

Dr. Wong's Articles



©2019 by Dr. Howard Wong. 

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